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Boulder Prep staff grouped together making funny faces with Story, the school's therapy dog.

Lili Adeli - Headmaster

Favorite thing about Prep: When graduates come back and tell us about all the great things they are up to.
Home town: Boulder, CO
Education: B.A. Biology; M.B.A. (Business); M.A. Education
Unique things: I love to cook and walked the Great Wall of China. OR

Dominick Walls headshot image

Dominick Walls - Program Director

Favorite thing about Prep: Seeing the collaborative effort of staff and students to create a curriculum of personalized education.
Home town: Nashville, IN
Education: B.A. Psychology; B.A. Spanish; M.A. Education and Human Development
Unique things: I love traveling to new areas and places. I always try to pick up new skills or hobbies whenever I can.

Lorena Rivera headshot image

Lorena Rivera - Engagement Specialist

Favorite thing about Prep:How caring and kind-hearted the staff at Boulder Prep is.
Home town: Lima, Peru
Education: B.S Business Administration and M.S Human Resources
Unique things: I am a globe trotter, travel photographer with a passion for volunteering.

Kenny Gillis headshot image

Kenny Gillis - Math / Development

Favorite thing about Prep: I love how the entire school gathers in the mornings for stories.
Home town: Louisville, CO
Education: B.S. Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D. Civil Engineering
Unique things: I once led a group of teenagers across the country on bicycle.

Nahed Alsherif headshot image

Nahed Alsherif - Math

Favorite thing about Prep: The morning stories assembly.
Home town: Tripoli, Libya
Education: B.S. Geological Engineering; Ph.D. Civil Engineering
Unique things: I grew up in Libya and speak four different Arabic dialects.

Regina Morris headshot image

Regina Morris - Learning Diversity Coordinator

Favorite thing about Prep: I love to see the students enjoying the community and becoming an integral part of Boulder Prep.
Home town: Westminster, CO
Education: B.A. in Recreational Therapy, M.A. Education
Unique things: I toured through France on my bike for a month when I was a teenager.

Justing St. Onge headshot image

Justin St. Onge - Graduation Coach / Science / Math

Favorite thing about Prep: Getting students interested and excited about science through unique and relevant courses.
Home town: Philadelphia, PA
Education: B.S. Natural Resources; M.S. Science Education
Unique things: I have worked in National Parks throughout the American West and Alaska.

Matt Gleason headshot image

Matt Gleason - Experiential Learning

Favorite thing about Prep: That it is an opportunity for young people to engage or re-engage with their education. More importantly though, it is done so with the understanding that the hardships and obstacles we face as being human play a role in how we show up to school. I love that BP addresses their education with this in mind.
Home town: Westminster, Colorado
Education: MA, Applied Community Development from Future Generations University; BA, Communication from University of Colorado Boulder
Unique things: I have biked across the country twice with the non-profit, Bike & Build. The first time was in 2016 from New Hampshire to Washington. The second time was 2018 from Florida to California, which I co-led with three others. Ride on riders!

Megan Farris headshot image

Megan Farris - Social Studies / SPED

Favorite thing about Prep:
Home town:
Unique things:

Raven Williams headshot image

Raven Williams - Language Arts

Favorite thing about Prep:
Home town: Houston, TX
Education: BA University of Houston; MA Ed University of Arizona
Unique things: Queen of Nerds.

Jacqueline Kuntzler headshot image

Jacqueline Kuntzler - Lead Chef / Service Learning

Favorite thing about Prep:
Home town:
Unique things:

Mark Palmer headshot image

Mark Palmer - Math / Science

Favorite thing about Prep: The culture.
Home town: Denver, CO
Education: B.S. Molecular Biology, CSU Sacramento, B.A. Integrative Physiology, CU 2019
Unique things: I'm a proud father.

John McConachy headshot image

John McConachy - Math / Science

Favorite thing about Prep: Each day is like living through a year of experiences.
Home town: Dunedin, New Zealand
Education: B.S. Chemistry and M.B.A. (Business)
Unique things: I keep moving northward from New Zealand to Singapore and now Colorado. Sometimes I think in Malay, because it expresses feelings so well.

Brad Davis headshot image

Brad Davis - Computer Science / Robotics

Favorite thing about Prep: The sense of community and unique classes offered.
Home town: Boulder, CO
Education: B.S. in Aero Tech, MBA, BS in Elect Eng.
Unique things: I grew up in Boulder. In 1968, my friends and I had an underground fort close to where Boulder Prep is today.